Captain Jack Sparrow is a fictional character in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series and franchise. In these films he is one of nine pirate lords in the Brethren Court. He is a known trickster of the Caribbean and is motivated by self-interests. The character was created by screenwriters Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio and is portrayed by Johnny Depp.

Jack sparrow is a captivating character defined by his charming yet odd personality. He has dreadlocked hair and a tilted pirates hat, embodying the typical pirate image. His unpredictable behavior and resourcefulness make him a master of adventures, often leading him into comical situations. Jack is a free spirit that cherishes his independence above all else, while also possessing an unavoidable charisma that can persuade his allies and adversaries.

Johnny Depp Edward Scissorhands Mad Hatter Willy Wonka