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What does each color mean?
How does it make us feel?
Where is it used?
Red is the color of passion, love, anger and danger. It is sometimes used in way to entice the viewer in but it is important to consider the opposite as well. Stoplights, yield signs and alarms are also red to caution viewers and heed warning.
Orange is the color of excitement, confidence, success and sociability. It is used in prison jumpsuits and safety equipment for its visibility, but it less harsh than red. Orange brings about optimism in the viewer, hence its use in Amazon, Payless and even Nickelodean.
Yellow is the color of happiness, creativity and warmth. It is used to represent reliability within a service. For example, brands such as Ikea and McDonalds are well rescepted in their repsecitve sectors due to their consistency and convinience.
Green is the color of nature, freshness, health, and most significantly, money. It can be used to denote ecologically friendly practices including recycling. Land Rover and John Deere use green in their logos to portray how their products compliement nature.
Blue is the color of calmness, loyalty, and competence. The trust and stability associated with the color gives it the nickname 'corporate blue' because of how often it is used in large companies brands. Blue also suggests dependancy such as Nokia being indestructable, or Boeing airplanes flying without issue.
Purple is the color of royalty, ambition and power. It is used to reflect luxury due to its historically royal connections. Cadbury Chocolate uses it to relate to their Old English origins and Hallmark pairs their wordmark woth a crown for similar reasons.

Colors are imporant.
Keep an eye out for them.