
- Niko is a young child. roughly 8-10 years old, and was given the unenvious position of being the messiah to a dying world after its sun burnt out. Their mission is to take the worlds new sun (a large lightbulb) and place it at the top of a large tower that reaches miles into the sky. Niko and the player interact with each other as they explore this dark world. Solving puzzles and aiding those in need. Along the way the player learns that Niko comes from a different world where, despite posessing cat like features, insists they're just a normal person who loves pancakes and comes from a small village surrounded by a mile long wheat field. By the end of the adventure the player learns that both Niko and the world cannot be saved. In order for Niko to see their home again the lightbulb must be shattered as it's the elemnt that bounds Niko to the world. When Niko is faced with the choice of returning home or saving the world, they ask the player what to do and it is left to them to decide the fate of this young child and the fate of an entire world of people begging for a new chance at life. Niko posesses a sweet, child like view of the world but is wiser beyong their years, understanding the importance of their mission and is willing to help those in need even if that means risking their life. Needless to say when I completed the story I chose to shatter the sun and let Niko retrun home and bawled my eyes out at the thought of saying goodbye to a character I grew to love.